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Well if this don't make you sick...

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Well if this don't make you sick... Empty Well if this don't make you sick...

Post by capitalism_collapse Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:52 pm

Flu Shot Being Forced on Health Workers

October 9, 2012
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Why don’t they want it? Because some of them know too much. Here’s the whole tawdry tale.

This week we learned that hospital employees throughout Colorado will be fired unless they get a flu shot by the end of the year. New state health regulations require flu shots for health care workers to be phased in over the next several years, but nearly all hospitals in Colorado have made the vaccinations mandatory—immediately. Employees are exempt from the shot only for medical reasons; if they refuse, they will be suspended, and if they haven’t gotten the shot by the end of the year, they will be fired.

Many healthcare workers don’t want the injection. No surprise there. They know more about it, that it is not safe by any means. As we reported last month, the US flu shot still contains mercury, which among other things is associated with the development of Alzheimer’s. And a recent study indicates that people who received a flu shot were more likely to become infected with the H1N1 flu virus than people who haven’t received the shot!

Far safer choices exist to keep people from catching the flu—the most important of which is to ensure an adequate level of vitamin D in your system. Even so, mainstream medicine, the mass media, and federal and local governments all push the flu vaccine as if it is humanity’s last, best hope.

Why? It’s our old friend Crony Capitalism at work again

*more below:



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