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Iron Youth

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Iron Youth Empty Iron Youth

Post by Iron Vanguard Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:42 am

Doctrine of the Iron Youth - Alexander Slavros


I swear before the Motherland, People and Nation to live each day in battle for them, carrying in my heart my love for them and my hatred for their enemies.


Doctrine of the Iron Youth (Iron Doctrine) is a written manifestation of the Inner Law and the soul of the people of the New Type, therefore it simply documents that, which is the reality of life for this Type. To this Type this Doctrine is but an echo of that, which it already discovered in itself, for others this Doctrine is an instruction for creating the Inner Law in themselves, at which point they too become the representatives of the New Type.

This Doctrine foremost calls out to the Youth, for its blood and soul are hot and as the proverb says: “Forge the Iron, while it is hot!” Russian Youth is divided and is either “lost” to Russia or lost to the “modern” society, it exists in a state of discord and obliviousness. This “Lost Youth” must be given the Inner Law, so that it would overcome its own shortcomings and united into a single force, that will be able to restore our Motherland. It must unite and be reborn into the Iron Youth.


“Vita est Militia super Terram” – “Life is War on Earth” – this is the basis of the Iron Youth worldview, as it interprets life as War and sees in any problem or obstacle a new battle.

This worldview is called Heroic Realism, and it demands that man gives his all in the service to his goal. For the Russian Iron Youth this goal is serving the Motherland, People and Nation (Russian Idea –Russian Metanationalism). Thanks to such total mobilization of mans internal strengths, he develops in himself the very best aspects of his personality and attains happiness in the eternal struggle for his goal.

Therefore, the Iron Youth is motivated by an unprecedented thirst for life, action and moving forward. It is determined to give itself completely to life, that possesses the intensity of war.


The main goal of the Iron Youth is the destruction of the worldview of the modern world and the restoration of the epoch of Heroic Realism. The Modern World is a worldview of burgers, which aims for a calm and comfortable existence without problems and obstacles. It is the worldview of hypocrisy and stagnation, decay and oblivion.

The Modern World is everything that surrounds us today: liberalism, cultural Marxism, hegemony of the economic prism of life, political masturbation, tolerance, “victim cult” and the demagogy of judicial relations. This world is the manifestation of absolute evil for the Iron Youth, for it cultivates in people their lowliest characteristics and reduces their life to a mere existence of inaction. “Inactivity is death.”


The Modern world has swallowed everyone, and those, who managed to find their way through this darkness may be proud of themselves, but one must not despise those, who had lost their way, who became lost, who forgot themselves and lost all hope in their searches. Most people today still do not know that there is an alternative, and it is the duty of the Iron Youth to show them the way of Heroic Realism and to give every person, no matter how weak and lowly he might seem, a last chance to escape the clutches of the Modern World.

Only those who waste this chance for nothing will be left on the side road of life.


Inner Law is natural will to action, mighty self-discipline and borderless loyalty to ones duty intertwined together. These forces come from the desire to serve one’s own goal in life, and thanks to that such discipline comes foremost from within.

The Inner Law differs from forced-upon discipline in that it gives one discipline from within, it gives one the desire to act in such a manner, which is demanded by the goal, and because of this the actions made are no longer forced upon the person. The Inner Law is not grown from approval for complying with demanded actions, for the person is determined to serve his goal, yet at the same time the person is also ready to accept punishment for a transgression or if he should lose his way.


The Iron Youth demands and fights for the restoration of the epoch of Heroic Realism and carries in itself the foundations of this worldview’s culture, which can be summed up as the “Culture of War”. Here are these foundations:

Culture of Discipline – Iron Youth acts as a military corps, which demands respect of discipline and the desire to abide by it in order to achieve the goal. Iron Youth does not allow demagogy, plutocracy and democracy, it voluntarily follows a set vector, in order to claim a devastating victory over the modern world.

Culture of Order – The Iron Youth is not a band of hooligans and rebels, its motivation to action is not in the desire to disobey, but in waging war for its goal. Iron Youth is driven to restore the Epoch of Heroic Realism, which is impossible without the creation of an iron order in its native land, in order to provide all its countrymen with the condition in which they can wage war for their common goal, thereby evolving as personalities and helping the People develop as a united whole.

Culture of Authoritarianism – Iron Youth is a knight’s order, which knows its place in the hierarchy of the epoch of Heroic Realism and recognizes the authority of the elite of this epoch, which will be born from the war against the modern world. The dynamics of personal relations in the authoritarian hierarchy of the society of Heroic Realism resembles the relations in the army: unity and equality in the common duty, with recognition of the higher ranks in charge, which are responsible for setting the course of action that would benefit all. This relations model of “officer-soldier” dominates in all paths of life in the epoch of Heroic Realism.

Culture of Will – Heroic Realism values foremost the power of the human will, which stands in direct opposition with the “victim cult” of the modern world, which states that any person that one way or another “proved” his weakness “has the right” to demand for special privileges, to make his life easier, thereby endorsing such weakness. Iron Youth will restore the faith in the power of the human will to overcome any obstacles, including the shortcomings and weaknesses of every person, and will therefore destroy the “victim cult”.


Give yourself fully to serving your goal, mobilize all your strength and capabilities and direct them towards benefiting Russia, People and Nation. In this service you will realize yourself as a personality and will broaden the borders of your capabilities. Only in death does duty end and then you will attain eternity in unity with our ancestors and generations yet unborn.
There are no tasks too small – any labor done in the name of the goal is honorable and necessary: from taking care of our Motherland’s nature and cleaning up our cities to the construction of factories and the education of future generations.

All who are of your People and Nation, even the most poor, are part of your Motherland – love them, protect them, help them. Respect the elderly, protect the women and educate the children.
Always demand mutual respect, those who do not acknowledge and respect you do not deserve your respect and acknowledgment in turn. Ignore insults. Answer with a hit for a hit.
Discard pride. It is not you who must be proud of the ancestors and Motherland, but they must be proud of you. Live your life in such a way that every day you would be sure that our ancestors are proud of you, and generations yet unborn will respect you.
Accept humility. Do not attribute to yourself the deeds of ancestors and do not claim that you can be proud of simply being their descendant. Until you prove with action that you are worthy of calling yourself Russian, by following in our ancestors footsteps, for the benefit of Russia, People and Nation – better consider yourself without kin.

No matter what place you occupy in the hierarchy, remember that you are equal with everyone, who serves the common goal. Maintain your authority, but do not despise those who are below you in hierarchy, behave yourself as an older brother. Respect those who are above you in the hierarchy.
Respect the power of the human will and spirit of every person and judge every person according to the strength of his will and determination to serve his goal, even if that person follows a different goal than your own. Never mistake physical weakness and strength for weakness and strength of will.
Do not despise other nations and peoples, learn to respect their spiritual world and achievements. In a foreign land act in such a way so as not to disgrace your ancestors or blacken your People and Nation. Follow local laws and traditions, but do not allow anyone to insult your Motherland.
There is no absolute victory and absolute defeat. Never slow down in your movement forward, no matter what heights you reach or how many defeats you suffer. Do not allow victories to cloud you and bring you to inaction and do not allow defeats to disappoint you and bring you to inaction. Life is War. Continue to fight until the day you die.


The time has come to declare war on the modern world and humanity has not seen a war like this for a hundred years, a war not within the realm of one worldview, but a war between different worldviews. This is an entirely different battlefield compared to the one that the people who were born in the modern world are used to, because they have become used to playing by the rules of this world. Iron Youth, being representatives of the people of the New Type, people of Heroic Realism, must unite and take action, according to the ideals of its worldview.

In this war battles will take place on all paths of life, with all available means in the direction of least resistance. These battles will lead to the birth of a second, different world within the modern society. These battles will continue until this different world, world of Heroic Realism, replaces or devours the modern world. It will be a war for different ideals, different values, different morality, different way of thinking and different foundations. Instead of leading a battle for one economic model against another, it will be a war against the dominance of economy over man. Instead of leading a battle for one form of political formation against another, it will be a war against politics and political masturbation.

The Iron Youth will become the ideacratic army, a movement, an order, a church of Heroic Realism and the Russian Idea, with its own hierarchy and command structure, which will plan the strategy for this war of forces of restoration and creation against the forces of oblivion and decay.

Victory in this war is inevitable, all it takes is to start it, because the people of the modern world, the parasites, merely exist and are incapable of leading and ideacratic war for values, while as the New Type lives every day as if it were a battle. The Modern world has no defense against Heroic Realism, for it is the true spirit of our epoch, the epoch of the New Type, the epoch of the Iron Youth.

“Vita est Militia super Terram”
Iron Vanguard
Iron Vanguard

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Iron Youth Empty Re: Iron Youth

Post by RedSun Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:31 pm

See? Someone else enjoys Slavros, too!

He's certainly a reactionary, and left-wing nationalism tends to avoid quite the same degree of militarism (and anti-democratic feeling) that Slavros and his fellow fascists espouse, but I've found his writings on nationalism very valuable. I'm sure you've noticed my posting of 'Metanationalism' elsewhere under Reactionaries.

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Iron Youth Empty Re: Iron Youth

Post by Iron Vanguard Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:41 pm

RedSun wrote:See? Someone else enjoys Slavros, too!

He's certainly a reactionary, and left-wing nationalism tends to avoid quite the same degree of militarism (and anti-democratic feeling) that Slavros and his fellow fascists espouse, but I've found his writings on nationalism very valuable. I'm sure you've noticed my posting of 'Metanationalism' elsewhere under Reactionaries.

I certainly enjoy reading his works! He actually does express many socialist views, such as focus on caring for the national community and distaste for self-interest. He also presents his Form of nationalism in a distinctly anti-capitalist tone. While I don't particularly dislike Democracy, I agree with Slavros that it can work against the collective Motherland and should be kept at arm's length. I would say our Russian comrade is not reactionary, as he is attempting to progress society onward according to Metanationalism. The level of militarism he supports will not appeal to most, and should probably be lessened as well. Overall, he has many key ideals to impart to the socialist movement.
Iron Vanguard
Iron Vanguard

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Iron Youth Empty Re: Iron Youth

Post by RedSun Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:39 pm

And within the week, this thread will be quoted on RevLeft as "proof" that everyone on SP is a cryptofascist. Very Happy

In a lot of ways, Slavros is closer to being a Stalinist than a fascist per se, although some people think the distinction is debatable. For him, nationalism comes first, and since Stalinism made Russia greater than the other ideologies it tried, it follows that it's the best for Russia.
However, his talk of hierarchy and the authority of the elite clashes with the socialist ideal of a classless society, which the forms of syndicalism, parecon (balanced job complexes), and democratic decentralised socialism are constructed to create.

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Iron Youth Empty Re: Iron Youth

Post by Balkan Beast Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:17 pm

Are there any sites or books written by him that someone could help me find?
Balkan Beast
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Iron Youth Empty Re: Iron Youth

Post by Iron Vanguard Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:04 pm

Balkan Beast wrote:Are there any sites or books written by him that someone could help me find?

You can find his main works on "Key Materials" section of his personal site: http://slavros.org/en/?page_id=30

The rest can also be found around the same site.
Iron Vanguard
Iron Vanguard

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Iron Youth Empty Re: Iron Youth

Post by MutualistPhilosophy Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:33 pm

All that talk of submitting to authority and hierarchy is a turn-off for me.I also dislike militarism strongly and am a big believer in democratic worker-run communities as opposed to large, centralized nation-states.With that said I am a big believer in egalitarianism and socialistic brotherhood.

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