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Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India

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Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India Empty Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India

Post by Rev Scare Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:32 am

Thousands of furious Indians swarmed the streets to publicly - and violently - kill a man who was suspected of being a rapist.

The pictures have emerged after they broke into a prison, kidnapped the man, stripped him naked and mercilessly beat him to death in front of a frenzied crowd.

A 25-year-old believed to be part of the mob was injured when police opened fire and he later died in hospital.

Taking justice into their own hands, the angry crowd was a terrifying portrayal of the country's increasingly aggressive stance against sexual violence.

At the mercy of the lynch mob.

The rape culture in India sure seems to be malfunctioning. You'd think that all those beta males in the mob would exalt the accused rapist, triumphantly parade him around as a hero, what with rape culture being ubiquitous and weighing heavily upon daily male-female interactions. You certainly would not expect them to viciously murder the man in the most primitive fashion at the behest of gynocentric professional victims. Expect more incidents like this.
Rev Scare
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Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India Empty Re: Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India

Post by MutualistPhilosophy Thu May 14, 2015 8:25 pm

This reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of what feminists mean by "rape culture" amongst radical anti-feminists such as yourself,RevScare.Rape culture does not necessarily mean that all men will automatically become rapists by some magical means or because they have a penis they are naturally predisposed to violence,I disagree with this idea on a fundamental level whether radfems say it to demonize all men or radical anti-feminists like yourself say it to legitimize violence against women.Again,radfems are not all feminists.When a woman is raped for shock value in a movie or comic book with no purpose beyond reinforcing mainstream gender norms of women being powerless and men being violent aggressors,ideas we can both oppose?That is rape culture.When a man beats his wife to make her submit?This is rape culture.When women are shamed for being sexually promiscuous and this is used as an excuse for men to rape her,an example of blaming the victim rather than the rapist which happens all too frequently in our society?This is rape culture.The institutional and systemic legitimization of rape and other violent forms of male domination within the mainstream media and capitalistic society.

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Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India Empty Re: Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India

Post by Rev Scare Fri May 15, 2015 2:44 am

MutualistPhilosophy wrote:This reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of what feminists mean by "rape culture" amongst radical anti-feminists such as yourself,RevScare.Rape culture does not necessarily mean that all men will automatically become rapists by some magical means or because they have a penis they are naturally predisposed to violence,I disagree with this idea on a fundamental level whether radfems say it to demonize all men or radical anti-feminists like yourself say it to legitimize violence against women.

The feminist concept of rape culture refers to a social climate where "rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality." There is no misunderstanding. The idea is simply asinine and completely unfounded, and it has even been impugned by the anti-sexual assault organization RAINN, which is certainly not staffed by "radical anti-feminists."

Also, when feminists protest that "men can stop rape" and "teach men not to rape," it is extremely offensive and sexist. It places the average man's behavior on a spectrum of sexual violence and depicts all men as potential rapists, which only induces unnecessary guilt in men and instills irrational fear into ordinary women. It is hardly any different from asserting that we should "teach blacks not to steal" or that "Arabs can stop terrorism."

Again,radfems are not all feminists.

"Radfems" have just as much claim to the feminist label as any other self-described feminist. In my opinion, "radfems" are the most consistent of the lot. The fact that radical feminist ideology exists is indicative of significant weaknesses at the core of the feminist project.

When a woman is raped for shock value in a movie or comic book with no purpose beyond reinforcing mainstream gender norms of women being powerless and men being violent aggressors,ideas we can both oppose? That is rape culture.

What are you on about? When rapes do occur in movies, and on the rare occasion a scene is prolonged, it is there to add a dramatic element to the story, not to perpetuate gender norms of "women being powerless." Men are often killed in movies simply to serve as on-screen cannon fodder, thereby reinforcing the idea that men's lives are worthless. This type of feminist reasoning is incredibly tendentious, convoluted, and most of all, mind-numbing. I could easily turn this around and argue that because injury or death to women is used as the dramatic anchor in entertainment, it is revelatory of our culture's view of women as the more valuable sex. The murder victim is a woman not because women are being oppressed but because the audience is supposed to have an emotional connection with her, which is presumably absent or less forthcoming in the case of an adult male victim. Furthermore, there is plenty of "grrl power" fiction in the media today, and there has been for a very long time.

When a man beats his wife to make her submit?This is rape culture.

What about when a wife beats her husband? Depending on the study one examines, men account for anywhere between 30-40% of domestic violence victims. Of course, this is where feminists, being the shameless hypocrites they are, will fall back on the fact that women are, on average, physically weaker than men in order to diminish the severity of domestic violence against men, but the reality is more nuanced, since women exert power and inflict abuse in different ways that are just as damaging, including a greater likelihood to use physical objects as weapons, and some studies found that more children are abused by their mothers than fathers.

Either way, this is not evidence for a rape culture.

When women are shamed for being sexually promiscuous and this is used as an excuse for men to rape her,an example of blaming the victim rather than the rapist which happens all too frequently in our society?This is rape culture.

Sluts are mostly shamed by other women, not men. Sure, all self-respecting men want nothing to do with sluts as far as long-term relationships go, but they do not typically "shame" them. The primary reason the double standard regarding sexual promiscuity exists is because women hold the keys to courtship. Women select; men are selected. The entire dating scene is rigged in favor of women. A man must put in a lot of effort, a woman does not. This is why the clever metaphor that "a key that can open many locks is a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock" exists. The second reason is historical, but I do not care to delve into that.

None of this contributes to a culture where "rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality,"

The institutional and systemic legitimization of rape and other violent forms of male domination within the mainstream media and capitalistic society.

Yes, I am well aware of the ridiculous talking points. The problem is that you have provided no evidence or valid rationale whatsoever for the stupefying claim that "rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality," especially in Western countries. Rape is considered one of the most heinous crimes one can commit—except when a woman does it. Isn't something along those lines stated at the beginning of each episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, which is a show watched mostly by women? Rape is always prosecuted harshly when compelling evidence exists, though as you can see from the example I provided in this very thread, extrajudicial means of exacting punishment upon suspected rapists are not uncommon. You have decided to completely overlook this reality in favor of vacuous red herrings. Those muddled arguments should be completely unconvincing to any individual with a healthy neocortex.

Last edited by Rev Scare on Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:10 am; edited 2 times in total
Rev Scare
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Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India Empty Re: Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India

Post by MutualistPhilosophy Fri May 15, 2015 3:18 am

Excuse me but isn`t your side usually the one making such statements as "No one has the right not to be offended"?Funny how you apply different standards to us than you do yourselves.Again,the hypocrisy of radical anti-feminists is you seek to present yourselves on the one hand as egalitarians,on the other hand as big strong alpha males and finally as victims of a grand global feminist conspiracy.We both have issues with the mainstream media.Again I prefer not to think of gender in myopic "Us vs. them" terms.There was a time when I did like to think that way but that time is past.You know why you MRAs are constantly compared to little boys?Because you act like little boys who think that because mommy didn`t give them a special treat you`re so oppressed.Compelling evidence of what?That all women are evil and all men are oppressed,powerless victims?Sorry,you can post as many stories as you want but whenever you try to tar an entire group with the same brush you`re gonna be disappointed to find that there is diversity and nuance that exists in all groups.Note:Nuance,the thing that is fundamentally lacking from your analysis of gender issues.

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Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India Empty Re: Feminist Rape Hysteria Results in the Death of Potentially Innocent Man in India

Post by Rev Scare Fri May 15, 2015 5:01 am

It doesn't seem that the two of us will make much progress on this issue. Let's just agree to disagree.
Rev Scare
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