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Far-right hall of shame

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Far-right hall of shame Empty Far-right hall of shame

Post by Confusion Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:03 am

The point of this thread, is to post videos were far-right groups and people ridicule them selves. I will start with this one:

This is another video from the "Golden Dawn", Greece. The man that hits the lady is one of their representatives.

Pure, intentional comedy (even if it has a far-right theme) might still fit best in the "don't take it seriously" category, stuff like Monthy Python and Russian performance-art. Example:

I realize the distinction can be a bit blurry.

Im looking forward to see what you can dig up of from the depths of youtube, and other places. bounce

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Far-right hall of shame Empty Re: Far-right hall of shame

Post by Celtiberian Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:25 pm

2:00 - 5:31 Laughing A propertarian taking advantage of gullible people for personal gain? Impossible! Ron Paul would never do such a thing!

Far-right hall of shame Ron-paul-as-a-founding-father

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Far-right hall of shame Empty Re: Far-right hall of shame

Post by Confusion Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:41 pm

I hessitate a bit to post this one, as it is non-entertaining and non enlightening. But it also has some paradoxes in it that might be worth commenting on:

First, the image: "Say something ridiculous, confuse people" Why confuse people? As a form of mockery? To lie? Why confuse?

Second, the threat against a school-teacher. Some strict teacher has confiscated a bunch of CDs.. Hm, they have profanities and racist slur and such and such in them, the teacher says.

So now all of a sudden, the fascist is on a liberal crusade against the strict authority.. Hm, paradox. Oh well, we are confused, and that might be the whole point. And what is this music anyway? White-power stuff, gangsta-rap?

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Far-right hall of shame Empty Re: Far-right hall of shame

Post by Rev Scare Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:49 pm

This petty crusade against the principal of an obscure school concretely exemplifies the institutional insignificance of neo-fascism (or white nationalism) and its vacuous philosophical foundation. I strongly doubt this ignoramus was truly aware of the situation and the legal context thereof. Had the students in question merely concealed the physical copies of their infantile noise, it is unlikely that the confiscation of the garbage would have transpired. It is improbable that the teacher(s) arbitrarily rummaged through the personal possessions of individual students. His assertion that "numerous" students were affected by the alleged travesty of justice is a transparent exaggeration, exploiting the subjectivity and relativity of the adjective. (It is doubtlessly the case that the students involved—ostensible champions of unfettered negative liberty—represented a trivial minority of social incompetents.) Lastly, it is indeed ironic that this far-right paragon of democratic spirit would ally himself with the ACLU, a presumed bastion of "liberal" degeneracy.

Fascism is ideological tripe. For any confident fascists reading this, I encourage you to defend your doctrine in our OV (Reactionaries) section. We are fully equipped to deconstruct your entire conceptual framework.
Rev Scare
Rev Scare

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Far-right hall of shame Empty Re: Far-right hall of shame

Post by GF Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:32 pm

A thread I just discovered on Iron March: (I hope it fits in the topic the thread was meant for)

Fascist Cooking!

Far-right hall of shame Mussolinicook

It's not the content of the thread that's ridiculous so much as the topic.

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Far-right hall of shame Empty Re: Far-right hall of shame

Post by Confusion Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:11 am

I give you: THE FUTURIST COOKBOOK! (Made by an artist that was into fascism, but Mussolini ended up ridiculing him and his futurist party, some people claim he was half-nuts)

Far-right hall of shame 51fPARdFxnL._SL500_AA300_

This one I have actually found on the souvenir-shop of one of my local museums, only with a different, more stylish front-page. There is some very experimental and funny cooking in it.

Futurism is not exclusive to fascism though, some of them were communists as well.

(Well, yes. This is a little bit outside the scope of the thread, but never mind)

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Far-right hall of shame Empty Re: Far-right hall of shame

Post by Confusion Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:57 am

Im almost out of the door now (will return, promise:-) but I got one more thing I got to say, that I think is important to make this a good "hall of shame"

We must not over-focus on Iron-march. They are a small group who work hard to alienate them selves from the rest of the far-right. - Specially now that they are mocking Evola and what they call "Evola-fags". Julius Evola tried to bridge the gap between fascism and nazism, and he is popular because he made a new form of nazi-friendly fascism that fits well with the modern quest for identity. The way I interpret him, he was basically trying to make a far-rightism that defended rural landlords and nobility like himself.

And even though the iron-march have ambitions about becoming the only far-right forum, they are not. Since they have turned racist, they are no different from stormfront, and when I searched around google, I found a huge traditionalist forum called "Skadi Forum" with very active sub forums for all European countries.

If you look at the fascist sub-forum of a place called politics forum.org, you will find a long thread were the chief architect of iron march is being ridiculed by other fascists...

So... They are not important.

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