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Racial homosexuality

Ghost Wolf
Rebel Redneck 59
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proletarian blood
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Racial homosexuality Empty Racial homosexuality

Post by proletarian blood Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:34 am

Can we not look at the trends of racialist society and note that a certain racial homosexuality is promoted by the national/racial-preservationists in their fight against miscegenation?

Under the paradigm of white supremacy, although it is socially frowned upon, Blacks often pursue a phenomenon known as passing for white. If a Black person has a child with a white person, that child will be lighter and more likely to be able to pass for white. Thus for Blacks, racial heterosexuality is valued because it promotes upward social mobility. On the other hand, Whites who mate with Black people are considered to be degrading themselves by doing so. Amongst the white population, racial homosexuality, i.e. mating between two white individuals is promoted. By instilling this desire for homo-attachments, white supremacy subconsciously promotes gayness.

The Greeks, founders of Western thought, seemed to understand this concept well. In Plato's Symposium, Pausanias makes the distinction between Popular Love, between a man and a woman, and Celestial Love, which happens only between men. The Ancient Greeks considered men stronger and superior to women, so to be attracted to a man was to be attracted to a superior being. Two strong beings together was a spiritually powerful union. Pausanias also explains, Celestial Love is based on attraction to the mind and eternal soul, while Popular Love is devoted to the body and fleeting qualities which waste away.

Because of the rise of Christianity, this original European thought had to be reformulated; but it did not however die out. For just as Christmas was originally the Pagan solstice, Easter celebrated the Germanic goddess of that same name, and countless other so-called "Christian" traditions incorporated these European thoughts, so too were Popular and Celestial Love transformed. Popular Love is now between a black and a white; between opposites. Thomas Jefferson was known to sleep with at least one of his mixed-race slaves, Sally Hemings, thus cementing the tradition of Popular Miscegenatory Love in American culture. But Celestial Homo White Love was still promoted in the official institutions and regarded as more desirable. But just as Gay Love cannot reproduce the human race, Racially Celestial Love cannot reproduce the white race. For Popular Miscegenatory Love is creating a new breed of metisse, the Cosmic Race. (See José Vasconcelos's essay on La Raza Cósmica.) After the Cosmic Race expands due to its popularity, all human beings will possess in them the recessive genes of all races, which may reappear at any time in their offspring. All Love will thus be both Popular and Celestial in communist society because all races will be equally strong, men and women will be equal and there will be no oppression. Total Liberation.

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Racial homosexuality Empty Re: Racial homosexuality

Post by Pantheon Rising Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:43 am

proletarian blood wrote:Can we not look at the trends of racialist society and note that a certain racial homosexuality is promoted by the national/racial-preservationists in their fight against miscegenation?

Under the paradigm of white supremacy, although it is socially frowned upon, Blacks often pursue a phenomenon known as passing for white. If a Black person has a child with a white person, that child will be lighter and more likely to be able to pass for white. Thus for Blacks, racial heterosexuality is valued because it promotes upward social mobility. On the other hand, Whites who mate with Black people are considered to be degrading themselves by doing so. Amongst the white population, racial homosexuality, i.e. mating between two white individuals is promoted. By instilling this desire for homo-attachments, white supremacy subconsciously promotes gayness.

The Greeks, founders of Western thought, seemed to understand this concept well. In Plato's Symposium, Pausanias makes the distinction between Popular Love, between a man and a woman, and Celestial Love, which happens only between men. The Ancient Greeks considered men stronger and superior to women, so to be attracted to a man was to be attracted to a superior being. Two strong beings together was a spiritually powerful union. Pausanias also explains, Celestial Love is based on attraction to the mind and eternal soul, while Popular Love is devoted to the body and fleeting qualities which waste away.

Because of the rise of Christianity, this original European thought had to be reformulated; but it did not however die out. For just as Christmas was originally the Pagan solstice, Easter celebrated the Germanic goddess of that same name, and countless other so-called "Christian" traditions incorporated these European thoughts, so too were Popular and Celestial Love transformed. Popular Love is now between a black and a white; between opposites. Thomas Jefferson was known to sleep with at least one of his mixed-race slaves, Sally Hemings, thus cementing the tradition of Popular Miscegenatory Love in American culture. But Celestial Homo White Love was still promoted in the official institutions and regarded as more desirable. But just as Gay Love cannot reproduce the human race, Racially Celestial Love cannot reproduce the white race. For Popular Miscegenatory Love is creating a new breed of metisse, the Cosmic Race. (See José Vasconcelos's essay on La Raza Cósmica.) After the Cosmic Race expands due to its popularity, all human beings will possess in them the recessive genes of all races, which may reappear at any time in their offspring. All Love will thus be both Popular and Celestial in communist society because all races will be equally strong, men and women will be equal and there will be no oppression. Total Liberation.

You can't make a man and a woman biologically equal. Socially equal maybe, but unless you do some genetic engineering man and woman will always have differences to perform the biological function given to them. Men have a stronger upper body strength, while women have wider hips for child bearing.

Those were possibly the weirdest paragraphs I have ever read to be honest. Homosexuality shouldn't be encouraged, but it shouldn't be discouraged either. I don't want to see people out about in the streets in fetish outfits screaming gay pride, but you have a right to do whatever you want behind closed doors and it is none of my business.
Pantheon Rising
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Racial homosexuality Empty Re: Racial homosexuality

Post by GF Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:57 am

Interesting idea, but why is this in OV?

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Racial homosexuality Empty Re: Racial homosexuality

Post by Rebel Redneck 59 Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:16 am

proletarian blood wrote:Can we not look at the trends of racialist society and note that a certain racial homosexuality is promoted by the national/racial-preservationists in their fight against miscegenation?

Under the paradigm of white supremacy, although it is socially frowned upon, Blacks often pursue a phenomenon known as passing for white. If a Black person has a child with a white person, that child will be lighter and more likely to be able to pass for white. Thus for Blacks, racial heterosexuality is valued because it promotes upward social mobility. On the other hand, Whites who mate with Black people are considered to be degrading themselves by doing so. Amongst the white population, racial homosexuality, i.e. mating between two white individuals is promoted. By instilling this desire for homo-attachments, white supremacy subconsciously promotes gayness.

The Greeks, founders of Western thought, seemed to understand this concept well. In Plato's Symposium, Pausanias makes the distinction between Popular Love, between a man and a woman, and Celestial Love, which happens only between men. The Ancient Greeks considered men stronger and superior to women, so to be attracted to a man was to be attracted to a superior being. Two strong beings together was a spiritually powerful union. Pausanias also explains, Celestial Love is based on attraction to the mind and eternal soul, while Popular Love is devoted to the body and fleeting qualities which waste away.

Because of the rise of Christianity, this original European thought had to be reformulated; but it did not however die out. For just as Christmas was originally the Pagan solstice, Easter celebrated the Germanic goddess of that same name, and countless other so-called "Christian" traditions incorporated these European thoughts, so too were Popular and Celestial Love transformed. Popular Love is now between a black and a white; between opposites. Thomas Jefferson was known to sleep with at least one of his mixed-race slaves, Sally Hemings, thus cementing the tradition of Popular Miscegenatory Love in American culture. But Celestial Homo White Love was still promoted in the official institutions and regarded as more desirable. But just as Gay Love cannot reproduce the human race, Racially Celestial Love cannot reproduce the white race. For Popular Miscegenatory Love is creating a new breed of metisse, the Cosmic Race. (See José Vasconcelos's essay on La Raza Cósmica.) After the Cosmic Race expands due to its popularity, all human beings will possess in them the recessive genes of all races, which may reappear at any time in their offspring. All Love will thus be both Popular and Celestial in communist society because all races will be equally strong, men and women will be equal and there will be no oppression. Total Liberation.

No offense but this is some of the stupidest bogus I have ever read. I am not a White Nationalist/Racialist ( much less a White Supremacist) but to suggest that their opposition to miscegenation ( which I am opposed to as well by the way) promotes homosexuality is stupid.
Rebel Redneck 59
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Racial homosexuality Empty Re: Racial homosexuality

Post by Ghost Wolf Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:02 am

Each paragraph is indeed bogus. "Love" should not always be put in a context of any type of sexuality. Celestial love doesn't mean homosexuality at all. Greek laws forbade homosexual practices, contrary to modern beliefs that states prior to Christian "morality" the Greeks were lenient, as factually explained in this video:


What we would call "love" amongst comrades is not a sexual tendency.

Furthermore, men and women are not equal, yet there is no superior or inferior gender, being that one always relies on the other for life itself, in addition for various tasks, skills, guidance, etc.
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Racial homosexuality Empty Re: Racial homosexuality

Post by Celtiberian Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:30 pm

proletarian blood wrote:If a Black person has a child with a white person, that child will be lighter and more likely to be able to pass for white.

The problem is, mulatto children are rarely (if ever) accepted as "white" by the majority of Caucasian people—the reason, of course, being that black genes are the most dominant in the human species, thereby rendering mulattoes phenotypically much closer to blacks. Consequently, most mulattoes integrate themselves into black society with relative ease.

I don't deny there being a social dynamic which promotes miscegenation. For example, Caucasian features are celebrated in the Western (and, increasingly, Eastern) media as being representative of ideal physical traits. The history of white global supremacy may also give rise to viewing the Caucasian race as an upper caste of sorts. Therefore, some non-whites may desire Caucasian partners since they believe it will increase their social standing in society. Notice, however, that this has nothing to do with wanting their children to enjoy the perceived benefits of being Caucasian. I'm fairly certain that people realize (be it consciously or subconsciously) that Caucasian genes are recessive.

Thus for Blacks, racial heterosexuality is valued because it promotes upward social mobility. On the other hand, Whites who mate with Black people are considered to be degrading themselves by doing so. Amongst the white population, racial homosexuality, i.e. mating between two white individuals is promoted. By instilling this desire for homo-attachments, white supremacy subconsciously promotes gayness.

I'm sorry, but I don't see how homosexuality follows from the social pressures for Caucasians to remain homogeneous. That seems like a complete and utter non sequitur.

Because of the rise of Christianity, this original European thought had to be reformulated; but it did not however die out. For just as Christmas was originally the Pagan solstice, Easter celebrated the Germanic goddess of that same name, and countless other so-called "Christian" traditions incorporated these European thoughts, so too were Popular and Celestial Love transformed. Popular Love is now between a black and a white; between opposites.

You haven't made a case for equating "Popular Love" with miscegenation and "Celestial Love" with homogeneity, so any conclusions you've derived from that dichotomy are entirely baseless.

This bizarre theory also wouldn't account for homosexuality within non-white populations (which, incidentally, is just as prevalent as the homosexuality observed among Caucasians). Of course, there is a stronger cultural taboo against homosexuality in certain ethnic groups, but this just gives rise to a higher frequency of "closet cases"—i.e., the "down-low" phenomenon found amongst black males.

Like many human behavioral characteristics, sexuality is most likely determined by an interaction of both environmental and genetic factors. Prof. Alfred Kinsey found that sexuality is something of a continuum, with sexual inclinations roughly fitting into six gradient categories (see the 'Kinsey Scale').

For Popular Miscegenatory Love is creating a new breed of metisse, the Cosmic Race. (See José Vasconcelos's essay on La Raza Cósmica.) After the Cosmic Race expands due to its popularity, all human beings will possess in them the recessive genes of all races, which may reappear at any time in their offspring.

Laughing The "Raza Cósmica," which the petit-bourgeois philosopher, José Vasconcelos, celebrated was the product of centuries of rape and colonial oppression, not "popularity." When people are given an actual choice in who they wish the reproduce with, they overwhelmingly choose their own ethnic group—and, after capitalism has been transcended, I feel this will only grow stronger.

All Love will thus be both Popular and Celestial in communist society because all races will be equally strong, men and women will be equal and there will be no oppression. Total Liberation.

Equity in remuneration and the abolition of class society will not somehow change the biological inequality which exists within the human species. The moment miscegenation no longer confers social status, the minor frequency it's observed in contemporary society will diminish ever more. That's not to say that miscegenation will ever disappear completely, but if we left-wing nationalists are correct in believing that nationalism is an essential element in the fostering of socialism and communism, and that people will separate into self-determined national communities following the proletarian revolution, then I suspect miscegenation will fade into oblivion.

The true "cosmic race" will be attained once genetic engineering reaches the point wherein we can choose our phenotypic and psychological traits at will (see James Hughes's article, "Embracing Change with All Four Arms: A Post-Humanist Defense of Genetic Engineering," and Robin Green's brief essay, "Transhumanist Socialism").

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Racial homosexuality Empty Re: Racial homosexuality

Post by Ernest Everhard Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:57 pm

Thus for Blacks, racial heterosexuality is valued because it promotes upward social mobility. On the other hand, Whites who mate with Black people are considered to be degrading themselves by doing so. Amongst the white population, racial homosexuality, i.e. mating between two white individuals is promoted. By instilling this desire for homo-attachments, white supremacy subconsciously promotes gayness.

That seems to be patent, illogical nonsense. Please correct me if you have some rational basis to explain the veracity of this peculiar hypothesis.

Homosexuality is a vice. Vice is innate to the human condition, but the correct position of society towards vice ranges between neutrality and moderate discouragement. The way the vice of homosexuality is promoted today is preposterous and grotesque. But what people do behind closed doors in this respect is essentially their own affair.

I'm much more bothered by the tendency in society to cultivate the notion of "the homosexual," or "the lesbian," as a socio-political identity, than I am about the actual turgid writhings (LOL) of the practicioners of this particular vice. The "gay" socio-political identity is a tool used by capitalists and their servants to break down healthy communities. People who identify chiefly as practicioners of a once-forbidden sexual vice that strikes most people as repulsive, are natural clients for the dominant system, and (as can be readily observed, for whatever reason) very natural partisans for almost all of the most objectionable aspects of the reigning social system. They are, it so often seems (and people of all stripes are often revealingly surprised when they are not), the perfect little, obedient-to-authority, intellectually conformist, ultra-consumerist drones. I don't believe the vice of homosexuality leads people to become that way, but the "gay" socio-political identity has been skillfully constructed as a sort of avatar of self-satisfied consumerist buffoonery ie., the American capitalist mirror image of the New Soviet Man, as it were. Irrespective of one's sexual tatses, a socio-political identity that encourages grown men to adopt the social mores of 14-year old girls, can only be a bad thing.

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Racial homosexuality Empty Re: Racial homosexuality

Post by TheRedSquirrel Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:43 pm

White Supremacists are often militaristic and hyper-masculine, like a gay porno. I think there's sometimes an unspoken fetish connection between those that promote militarism and Homosexuality. But your apparent justification for White Supremacy promoting being Gay is complete bollocks.


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Racial homosexuality Empty Re: Racial homosexuality

Post by Balkan Beast Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:07 pm

Balkan Beast
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Racial homosexuality Empty Re: Racial homosexuality

Post by MutualistPhilosophy Fri May 15, 2015 4:37 am

I believe in equal rights and it`s my firm belief that what some charlatan priest or state bureaucrat claims should not impede the rights of an individual.Just because you`re not comfortable with a behavior doesn`t mean you get to treat people as inferiors.

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