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Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine

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Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine Empty Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine

Post by Rapaille Sat Mar 01, 2014 6:46 am

Declaration ACN/AKN Netherlands regarding the situation in Ukraine

At this moment a catastrophic development is taking place in the Ukraine.

At this moment the pro-NATO forces are at the winning hand. In their wake ‘the useful idiots’ of the so-called ‘national revolution’, who once more fulfill the role as trailblazers of the contra-revolution: A contra-revolution disguised as ‘national revolution’! The by the USA and BRD sponsored forces, have taken over Kiev by means of a coup d’état. In the west of Ukraine ‘the white terror’ already rages (the Communist Party is banned and its members are dealt with by people’s courts).

None of the competing bourgeois fractions – not Yanukovych, nor Timoshenko – are able to provide an alternative for the Ukrainian proletariat. Only the working class under its own independent leadership as the Third Front is able to stand its ground against the offensive of the contra-revolution and the white terror! The working class in the industrial heart of Ukraine has to enter the arena as an independent actor, under its own leadership and under its own proletarian demands, and has to go into the offensive against the contra-revolution, thereby taking the initiative in its own hands.

The most urgent tasks of the moment: The working class in the industrial heart of Ukraine (the Donetsk-coal basin and the Kuzbass-metallurgy) now has to come in action by creating self-defense units under its own leadership. The workers of the great (most still State owned-) corporations need to occupy them, form their own committees and take armed control over the companies in their own hands. The police needs to be instantly disarmed, the higher and middle cadres need to be arrested and detained at once. Army basis and support points have to be cut off or blocked. All suspected subversive elements must be put in prison.

This in order to bring about proletarian self-determination:

Workers control in the companies!

Armed defense against the contra-revolution from Kiev!

No privatizations of State owned corporations!

No to Western IMF shock therapy!

No implementation of the free market economy!

Charkow as the new center of government!

Source: http://acnaknnederland.wordpress.com/2014/02/28/verklaring-acnakn-nederland-aangaande-de-situatie-in-oekraine/


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Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine Empty Re: Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine

Post by Rapaille Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:25 pm

Revolutionary perspectives concerning the Ukrainian crisis

The imperialist danger of war has become very real today. A huge war on the European continent is at this point a very concrete possibility. In this event NATO/US imperialism is our main enemy. The main enemy is in our own land!

If war breaks out, this is hugely ameliorative for the perspectives on a revolutionary upheaval in the centers of power of NATO-imperialism. It’s our task to turn this war thereafter into a civil war. Since the collapse of the socialist camp the war of danger on the European continent has never been this concrete (also not during the Kosovo crisis, when Russia was still too weak). Just as in the ’30′s various imperialist powers strive for resolving the economic crisis by means of war.

The war will – sooner or later – come and we have to be prepared. Our slogan should be: Through war to the revolution! Using the war to start revolutionary change.
If the Russian military forces want to create a corridor through the Ukraine towards the Russian-speaking enclave Trans-Distenie (at the border of Moldavia) to help the ethnic Russian population, who also by referendum expressed the wish for incorporation into the Russian Federation) as the high command of NATO apparently concluded), then the Russians have the full right and need to be supported. (For NATO this of course represents a Casus Belli – a reason for war).

At this moment we enter a new period of war and revolutionary change – and Europe will be one of the centers of the storm. At the same time imperialism goes on the course of war, the inward repression will also increase. This because an external war needs a quiet (pacified) hinterland. The imperialists fear nothing more than an unsecure hinterland during a huge foreign war. And this is where we should aim at: Namely making the hinterland as insecure as possible for the NATO-war strategists and their companions!

Source: http://acnaknnederland.wordpress.com/2014/03/29/revolutionaire-perspectieven-aangaande-de-oekraiense-crisis/


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Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine Empty Re: Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine

Post by Rapaille Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:07 am

Not Kiev, nor Moscow: Independent People’s Republic of south-east Ukraine!

Our solidarity and full support go out to the Peoples Republic of Donetsk and the self-defense forces in the Donbas-area.

With the spontaneous occupations by the local volunteers of the autonomous operating armed self-defense forces, the people of south-east Ukraine have once more invigorated their legitimate demand for independence and popular sovereignty.

The declaration of the Peoples Republic of Donetsk and surroundings is the logical answer to the putsch in Kiev by the pro-American Junta. The units of local volunteers were spontaneously formed to defend the Peoples Republic against the armed aggression by the fascists from Kiev. These self-defense forces operate entirely autonomous and are by no means whatsoever part of the Russian military apparatus.

Although the self-defense forces asked Russia for protection against the aggression from Kiev, the bourgeois mob in Moscow only supports the freedom fighters as long as it’s politically expedient. Once it’s no longer of any use to them, these freedom fighters will be pushed to the side.

With the Genève Treaty of 17 April this scenario appears to become reality. The freedom fighters of south-east Ukraine seem to be sold out and betrayed by Moscow. They will have to put their trust in their own force for their righteous and justified struggle for independence and national self-determination.

The now begun revolution has not ended; on the contrary, this must be continued with all force! Workers of the south-east; don’t trust on Moscow; take matters in your own hands! All the power to the Soviets!

Long live the Peoples Republic Donetsk!

Long live the self-defense forces of the south-east!

No surrender! No sell out! Down with the Genève Treaty!

Not Kiev, nor Moscow: Independent Peoples Republic!

Source: http://acnaknnederland.wordpress.com/2014/04/28/niet-kiev-noch-moskou-onafhankelijke-volksrepubliek-zuid-oostelijk-oekraine/


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Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine Empty Re: Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine

Post by TriniSary Sun May 04, 2014 12:10 am

I might be wrong, but I think Putin has at least granted Crimea some autonomy.

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Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine Empty Re: Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine

Post by Rapaille Sun May 04, 2014 7:42 pm

TriniSary wrote:I might be wrong, but I think Putin has at least granted Crimea some autonomy.

That doesn't change the fact that just as the NATO block, Putin's regime also represents a fraction of the bourgeoisie. Putin acts by realpolitik; as soon as the insurgents in the east of Ukraine are no longer needed anymore, he will let them down. The Treaty of Geneve is a clear sign of this, because it meant the insurgent were asked to disarm, leaving them vunerable for the white terror from Kiev. Russia supported this. If the workers and miners of eastern Ukraine want to be really free, they have to act independent of both the Western and the Russian bourgeoisie. They have to rely as their own strength.


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Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine Empty Re: Declaration ACN/AKN regarding the situation in Ukraine

Post by Entfremdung Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:30 am

TriniSary wrote:I might be wrong, but I think Putin has at least granted Crimea some autonomy.
Crimea was an autonomous republic within the Ukraine. Now it is an autonomous republic with the Russian Federation. It became a part of the Soviet Union in 1921, and granted the status of an autonomous republic. During World War II, in 1944, Soviet authorities deported the Crimean Tatars for alleged collaboration with the Nazi occupation regime and after the war stripped the region of its autonomy, absorbing it into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

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