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Post by Egalitarian Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:18 pm


I am not sure what to make of it myself. I really would like some viewpoints.

Last edited by Egalitarian on Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Altered the description)

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Post by Red Aegis Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:22 pm

It's crap. I could go on but it's not worth a more in depth explanation.
Red Aegis
Red Aegis

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Post by DSN Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:17 pm

Putting ideas like karma and "new age" together is usually a good sign of someone who's completely lost the plot.

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Post by Egalitarian Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:32 pm

Fair enough. Regarding the website I linked in my original post, I've concluded it's too ridiculous to study seriously.

I stumbled upon this one not too long ago arbitrarily: http://luciferiansword.com/

Does anyone care to comment on it? It appears to be fascistic with its aesthetic values although upon closer inspection it appears to retain counterpart opinions towards social and economic issues than your typical ideologue of fascism would possess.

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Post by Red Aegis Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:07 pm

The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and way showers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to be born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and varying degrees of technological and creative sophistication.


[sarcasm]Yeah, quality site there.[/sarcasm]

Seriously, that site is as bad as the other.
Red Aegis
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Post by DSN Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:30 am

Egalitarian wrote:Fair enough. Regarding the website I linked in my original post, I've concluded it's too ridiculous to study seriously.

I stumbled upon this one not too long ago arbitrarily: http://luciferiansword.com/

Does anyone care to comment on it? It appears to be fascistic with its aesthetic values although upon closer inspection it appears to retain counterpart opinions towards social and economic issues than your typical ideologue of fascism would possess.

These people are hilarious. I stumbled across this sort of thing some time ago when I was interested in satanism. It's just Christianity for the overweight goth kids of society who've been rejected by all of their peers, and works on the same principles:

- Create an imaginary friend and strengthen your mental health issues which led you to believe you spoke to him/her
- Love the creator and you will be rewarded
- All other religions are wrong
- Magic is real
- Fairies and goblin-demons exist
- Homosexuality is bad mmmkay

I don't even know how to react to those ridiculous images posted on the page. The cross with a star and sickle in it was quite funny, I must admit.

EDIT: They also appear to be pro-life... Bible, anyone?

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Post by Egalitarian Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:45 pm


Does anyone want to refute their lengthy article against communism?

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Post by Red Aegis Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:24 pm

Why argue with people like that? It would be like arguing science with Deepak Chopra.
Red Aegis
Red Aegis

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Post by GF Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:11 pm

I by no means will strive to comprehensively refute that article, but I will contribute a few statements in criticism of their article.

Some of the more basic problems with communism (in it's purest of forms), is the way it oftentimes has human nature actively going against it. For example, a fundamental doctrine of communism is the re-distribution of wealth amongst all members of society, regardless of actual merit, this horrible mandate might seem harmless and good spirited to those who lack intellectual clarity; however, all this does is dis-encourage hard work and basic human motivation.

So when exactly has there been even the slightest evidence to suggest this sort of "human nature" will always be the same? And what gave the writers of this article idea that someone will not work hard at a career of their choosing just because they aren't rewarded more than someone else?

You must remind yourself, that the people who are poor or economically crippled in this world are not so because of what you have chosen to purchase, nor are you directly affecting them due to the way you choose to live your life. The people that are starving on the street are there because of either drug abuse or simply not wanting to work.

The amount of stupidity it takes to believe that everyone who is impoverished is so because of drug abuse or laziness is mind-boggling. Rolling Eyes

Due to human nature, there will always be social darwinian groups or "castes" of people based on either monetary gain, personal skill, wits or a combination of all three. Meaning, there shall always be an upper elite class, a mid class and a lower class formed completely naturally and organically. Because man is of a hierarchal nature, with those more qualified at the top, those useful in the middle and the useless at the very bottom.

So the children of the founder of Walmart, Sam Walton, are more qualified than the bottom 30% of Americans?

(source: http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/12/09/385941/walmart-heirs-worth-30-percent-bottom/?mobile=nc)


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Post by DSN Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:09 pm

Just from reading those few things GF quoted I can tell that the rest of it isn't worth reading. I do hope that they have included something other than the "rich = hardworking + intelligent ; poor = lazy + stupid" formula, though.

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